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Author Topic: Compass QT  (Read 1063 times)

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Compass QT
« on: February 04, 2012, 10:49:31 pm »

A Nokia Developer Qt Quick example application demonstrating the use of the Qt Location API and Nokia Maps with the compass sensor.

Compass is a Nokia showcase example application that demonstrates the use of the  Qt Location API. This application can be used as a traditional compass with Nokia Maps and it allows the user to determine the bearing to the desired direction. The tracking function draws the travelled route to the map and the route can be saved in KML format.

For more information about using the application and design considerations, see HERE

Symbian with Qt 4.7.4 and Qt Mobility 1.2.1
MeeGo 1.2 Harmattan

Tested on:
Nokia C7-00
Nokia E7-00
Nokia N8-00
Nokia X7-00
Nokia N950
Nokia N9

FIle Attached

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