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Author Topic: The chase for Symbian Carla has begun!  (Read 1374 times)

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Offline UpakulRox

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The chase for Symbian Carla has begun!
« on: February 15, 2012, 01:01:52 am »

Symbian Carla? Yes Indeed!

Some months ago, we did see this image, it’s the pic taken in a Nokia presentation where we could see something beyond Belle obviously it had to be “C”

While many people kept ranting that Symbian is dead and it’s users are doomed etc, We Symbian fans never left hope and we kept dreaming of a better world, a better Symbian device in hand and a better user experience.

Nokia Belle a.k.a Symbian Belle is just about to release in February and we are already getting some solid proofs of the upcoming Symbian Carla update which is under construction. Many of us, also me, have been using Symbian Belle even before Symbian Anna was released officially. There has been many leaks of Symbian Belle, the latest being v111.030.0609 . Now is history repeating itself? Same story again! Even before the official release of Belle, we are already smelling Carla. (cough*who knows when we get a leaked release*cough)

Many people claim that Symbian Carla will not be made available to the 1st generation Symbian^3 devices. The pic below is again a leaked screenshot from a presentation which made it a bit unclear whether Symbian Carla will be available to those 680Mhz devices. There is no doubt about the 1Ghz ones which are 2nd generation S^3 devices with twice the RAM and 4 times more powerful GPUs in compared to the 1st generation S^3 devices.

It also speaks something about Symbian Donna the next Symbian major update after Carla (well this is a different story )

We were in a bit of confusion whether the 1st generation S^3 users (me with an N8) will get this upcoming Symbian Carla   update or not. But the recent info somewhat reveals that all the S^3 devices out there, Nokia N8, E7,C7, C6-01, X7, 701, 603, 700 are indeed getting Symbian Carla update in future (not sure about Nokia 500)

Nokia employees have been testing out Symbian Carla and posting the bug reports in Nokia Developer Website and we got some screenshots for ya :)

The screenshots not only reveal about Symbian Carla in beta stage but also shuts down some more mouths ranting about Carla not being made available for the 1st generation Symbian^3 devices.

You can clearly see, there are some bugs found in Joystick handling when Carla was tested on the Nokia E7 and Nokia E6 both of these being 1st Generation Symbian^3 devices bearing same internal hardware as Nokia N8, Nokia X7, Nokia C6-01  and X7. So 1st generation S^3 users can rejoice! It’s ofcourse coming for the second generation S^3 devices like 701,603,700 and maybe Nokia 500 (which lacks a HW Accelerator due to being just too cheap 9K INR)

Hence, it’s almost clear Nokia N8, Nokia E7, Nokia X7, Nokia C6-01 and well, Nokia 701, Nokia 700 and Nokia 603 are getting Symbian Carla!

This is a good news for me and I know every Symbian fan out there is somewhat happy with this. Till then enjoy Symbian Belle / Nokia Belle or whatever Nokia calls it.