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Author Topic: The Blog has been updated and redesigned  (Read 1564 times)

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Offline UpakulRox

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The Blog has been updated and redesigned
« on: February 15, 2012, 12:59:45 am »


Symbian-Developers-BlogWelcome to Symbian Developers Blog!

We started our little venture into blogging just a month ago and we have faced many ups and downs in this one month :)

We are continuously working over our forum as well. What we are trying to do is support those million Symbian and Nokia users with our blog and help them up with our forum. I know we are new and there is a lot to learn in this new field but we can help!

The blog will provide you with the latest updates regarding Symbian and Nokia.

We have worked hard since the past months to bring up Symbian-Developers and our friends have immensely supported us. Now this is the real deal. We are on! But we need visitors and yeah for visitors we need good blog posts and content.

And we will do it with all our heart. Because behind this initiative are some Die-Hard Symbian FanBoys!

Forum:  http://sdf.allstarsoftware.co.uk

The forum is an ad-free forum for helping young Symbian users with new modding tools, applications and themes along with help regarding flashing and stuff. We are open to young developers who would like to share their apps with us. We will feature your up-coming apps in our blog and forum. We support you.

Have a nice day and hey, if you are a Symbian and Nokia fan just like us?  Do recommend us to your friends and join our forum. Don’t worry, we are very kind to newbees and there is a great team at your help desk.

And if you have some interest in blogging , email me about it and I will add you to Symbian Developers Blogger’s Panel and you can blog with us. It will be an honor!

Have a good day and thanks for visiting.