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Author Topic: Symbian support is going to be removed in Qt 5.0!  (Read 1265 times)

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Symbian support is going to be removed in Qt 5.0!
« on: February 15, 2012, 01:02:07 am »

Qt support for symbian getting killed?


Something of a reminder:

Qt. Something that brings a smile on the face of thousands of Symbian users because it’s Qt whats being saving Symbian now. We got some amazing applications and Symbian has never before taken such pace towards development. The Qt apps are very very smooth, very less resource hungry (far less that symbian native webkit apps) and the UI is just too good. Qt has been like a saviour of Symbian recently with Qt apps flowing out like never before. Some of the greatest Qt apps being “fMobi” , “Tweeties” …. and the list goes on. Qt application development in Qt C++ and QML is easy as compared to native Symbian C++ and Qt is cross platform which means the developer can easily deploy their already written apps for symbian to Maemo and MeeGo and even windows.

Here’s what has been done with Qt in 2010 and 2011:

Qt was shipped with Symbian firmwares from the release of Symbian Anna shipped in late 2011 while Qt is completely integrated into the system in latest symbian update (to be released very shortly) Nokia Belle.

Nokia Belle is using the Qt UI which is far more usable than Symbian native UI. Nokia Belle is very less resource hungry and runs very smooth. All thanks to Qt and with Symbian Carla, there is a chance of symbian native avkon ui will be completely removed and replaced with qt, the native apps being re-written in Qt.

The current version of Qt thats been approved in the Nokia Store is 4.7.4 and 4.8 is most probably the last release in v4 department.

Qt has been increasingly popular. During 2010, Nokia had 1.5+ million downloads at qt.nokia.com (alone) – twice as much as during 2009!

Now with all these development we symbian users have been dreaming of something unreal. We are thinking Symbian beyond that 2016 mark because we know Symbian has it what it takes if developed properly and in good hands.

But this news from qt nokia team is a shocker!

Link: Qt 5.0 Supported Platforms

Qt 5.0 will no longer support Symbian? So what about those million users? Symbian already has less apps compared to other platforms but Qt was giving Symbian all essential apps required.

We will have to wait until the release of Qt 5.0 and further replies from officials. Though this is clear, there maybe some changes because for Nokia to sell those 150 million more symbian devices, Qt will play a very important role.

Let’s wait and also be ready for another huge petition.