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Author Topic: procedure how modify nokia c5-03  (Read 1765 times)

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Offline sahara_trip

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procedure how modify nokia c5-03
« on: October 04, 2012, 10:23:11 pm »
For the S60 5th ed Nokia C5-03(may by interpolatable)

Open "mobi explorer" (says icon name after instaling..) I have attahached the same sisx dile (dont know on net where ifound it.)
(channge date to sept 2007 just for installing if certificate expire message occurs then change date back to now sep 2012)
you should now be able to see all the

1. files of C, D E Z drives (Z is rom so read only, and D is ram so empty and wont find anything there, E is memory card)
2 Inbox all attahcemnts
3 All processes list and their file location exe source location and facilty to kill task like the camera and contacts and others. which can be called when req , and should run in backrough eating ram out of 128 MB total.
4. Ability to write in internal memory C drive in location whcihh were not viible andnot editable by other modes (like mass storage mode)

possible acts that you can perform

1. Copy all the Z drive files to E and then experiment (thats why you are the end user and not the manufactures cause you cant compile the symbian os app by yourself ever. So you will always be a tweaker and never the creator, you can makeonly the frankestein)

2. Make folders in C drive and E drive that mimic the Z drive folder structure so that os will read and launch them instead (their name is same but ingredient is diff say camera sound or some theme wallpaerof file icon etc )

3. see whether the other people made mods have taken effect or not.

4. Tell me plz how the cmd to modify the hex code of the file can be called from command line?

Of the file explorer sisx files i dont know which one worked. (only one of them worked with 2007 date and its own certificate , no signing req)

All matrial is copyright and i am copy paster.

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